How To Tell A Friend She Is Not A Bridesmaid


Your wedding day is a spectacular celebration of relationship, yet some of your friendships may be suffering because of your wedding. One of the difficult parts of wedding planning is handling the potentially hurtful issues, and choosing your bridesmaids can lead to hurt feelings among your close friends if they are not chosen. How you handle those who don”t make the bridesmaid list will make all the difference.

Don”t assume that your friend will automatically understand everything is OK between you. Many couples want a smaller wedding party or feel required to have certain family members in key roles, edging out those they really want. Or a bride may simply have more close friends than even a larger bridal party will allow. Whatever the reason, make sure you talk to your friend and simply explain the situation. More often than not, she will completely understand.

Consider finding a way your friend can still participate in the wedding. Ushering, coordinating and organizing certain aspects, serving, keeping the guest book, greeting, giving a toast, or even asking her to sing or say a special poem during the ceremony are ways you can honor your friend.

Whatever you do, let her know just how much she means to you. Show her that her friendship is a special part of your life and tell her that you can”t wait to get down with her on the dance floor.

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