How to Use the Digital Age to Your Advantage

In this digital age, everyone has a smart phone, a tablet, or some type of cell phone picture option. While it is perfectly appropriate to request that your guests turn off and put away their phones during the ceremony, the reception is usually fair game for those addicted to their photo snapping devices. So instead of merely putting up with the myriad of flashes in your eyes and alien-looking phones pointed in your direction, you can use the cell-phone-picture-lover”s habit to your advantage!

  • Ask guests to post photos to Instagram with your wedding hashtag.
  • Request that all Instagrammed pictures be saved to camera roll so you can access them.
  • Set up a dropbox or closed Facebook group where you and your guests can upload and download photos.
  • Ask your guests to tag you in all photos posted to Facebook.
  • Make sure your Facebook privacy is set so that you have to go in and manually allow those tagged photos to be posted to your timeline. That way you will be tagged and see your pictures, but you do not have to allow those photos that are uncomplimentary!
  • Set up a YouTube account and give guests the password so they can upload pictures and video.
  • Thank your guests for the opportunity to have lots of digital memories of your wedding, but request that they have more fun making those memories than preserving them. Tell them to hit the dance floor more than they snap pictures!
  • Laugh, love, smile, and enjoy every minute of your wedding. Want great photos from those cell phone photo snappers? Truly having a great time yourself is the best way possible!

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