What Every Groom Wants to Know: 5 Keys to His Bride’s Heart

Times are changing, and men are becoming more closely involved in the planning of their weddings. But men still may not truly know what it really means to his bride when he is involved in creating the wedding of her dreams.

Grooms, if you are part of picking the flowers and the cake, we thank you – and so does your bride! But to truly become her knight in shining armor, there are a few secrets in her heart that she really needs you to know to make her wedding day magical. And the man who does these five things will make his wife”s heart smile forever.

Say What You Think

Yes, you read that right. The last thing your bride wants is to find out two or five or fifteen years later that you actually hated that pink polka dot bow tie she thought was to die for and asked you to wear on your wedding day. You are not a mind reader – neither is she. Be respectful, be kind, and be understanding, but tell her what you think.

The key is compromise. Talk to her and try to find something you both can be proud of. You don”t want to look like Minnie Mouse, but she wants pink polka dot touches in the wedding. Have your cake and eat it too by having pink polka dots on the cake, having pink construction paper cut into small circles to line the bridal pathway, or having the bridesmaids in pink polka dot dresses.

Whatever the compromise, by all means, please kindly and considerately speak your mind.

Beam at Her as She Walks Down the Aisle

My husband stood stoically at the alter as I walked down the aisle on the arm of my father. He never flinched, smiled, or moved a facial muscle.

Nearly 16 years later, I am so stinking in love with that man I do not know what to do with myself! He melts me, strengthens me, amazes me, and fills me with pride and wonder. But I will never forget that that he did not look happy to see me as I practically ran down the aisle to become his wife. Forever and ever amen, till death do us part, I will always see his clenched jaw and handsomely chiseled face staring blankly down at me.

He has assured me it was because he was nervous and did not know what to do with his hands, feet, shoulders, or any other part of his entire being. He felt on display and just was desperate to do everything right. Still, grooms, learn the lesson and beam at your lady as she walks down the aisle.

Be Affectionate Throughout the Wedding

To put it frankly, you want some lovin after the wedding, right? Well, sex begins in the kitchen, so the saying goes, meaning that if you are affectionate and loving at breakfast, and throughout the day, you stand a much better chance of receiving your definition of affection when the lights go out.

And while most women are already excited about the wedding night, paying attention to your bride during the wedding”s festivities will make those flickering sparks of passion turn into wildly bursting fireworks. Fan the flames of her desire by whispering sweet nothings into her ear, and get close enough that she can feel your breath on her skin. Steal longing glances from across the room, caress her shoulders as you sit next to her, hold her hand as you stroll the room speaking to guests, plant kisses on her neck, and place your arm around her to keep her warm.

Do not worry about grossing anyone out; PDA is perfectly acceptable at your own wedding – within reason. Don”t sit and make out for 10 minutes, and do not be sexually inappropriate. But by all means, flirt and be affectionate with the wife you have chosen. And enjoy reaping the benefits!

Do Not Get Drunk at the Reception

It stands to reason that, while alcohol may cause some amount of the flirtatious behavior that I have just mentioned, it may also inhibit performance later in the evening. Additionally, it may also cause behavior that is the exact opposite of attractive, sexy, or romantic for your new wife. If you have alcoholic beverages at your wedding, by all means, enjoy yourself. But know your limit, and do not go past it.

Enjoy Yourself

If you are not truly enjoying your wedding and your bride, it will show. Your guests will feed off of your mood – as will your new wife. So smile, laugh, throw your head back, let go of every care, and really enjoy your day.

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