Traveling Wedding Gown: The Story of One Dress, One Woman, and One World

Most wedding gowns are are worn for one day, then either cleaned and boxed, or taken through a popular trend of “trashing the dress”. Some have made an appearance at Halloween parties and obstacle 5k runs, some come out at girls only parties, and still others are sold or given to friends. But few have made it around the world, being worn over 100 times!

Jennifer Salvage was married in March 19, 2008. Her husband, Jeff, is a self-trained photographer, and presented Jennifer with a unique idea: That she wear her wedding gown repeatedly around Easter island (where they were married), so he could photograph her under different lighting and in various locations. What seemed an innocent indulgence turned into a world-wide travel adventure. Her wedding dress has now been worn in 148 photo shoots in 19 countries.

Of course, it doesn”t stop there! Next year the Salvages plan to take the dress to three more countries. On their website, One Dress One Woman One World, you can see galleries of all photos taken so far. They are separated into three categories: The Early Years (back when babied the dress – something they say didn”t last long!), Second Wave, and Third Batch.

Each vacation the Salvages take, the dress is in tow, having traveled over 147,000 miles so far. Jeff and Jennifer have compiled all their photos and created a coffee table book, purchasable from their website. To view the image featured here, all their wild and fun photos, order a book, and read the stories, visit the website here.

Who knows, you may end up with some pretty unique ideas for your wedding!

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