Top Reasons To Get Married


On a whim the other day, I Googled “top 10 Reasons to get married”.  I found several articles, blogs, and columns full of relevant, hilarious, irreverent, and odd facts, thoughts, and ideas on why marriage is a recommended way of life. From the sweet to the ridiculous, I laughed and nodded my way through each top ten list. Here, from Ask Men, The Odd Blog, Daily Times, and David Letterman, are a few of my favorites:

~ Support. It”s nice to have someone you trust to hold the ladder.

~ You can finally get those braces you”ve needed with your spouse”s new insurance plan.

~ You will no longer fear arguments will end your relationship. Instead, you”ll know that only death will conclude your next disagreement.

~ Marriage means more sex and it also means better sex. While single guys are out at the clubs spending their paychecks just to get a girl”s attention, married men are at home having sex with their wives. And, while one night stands may be exciting, this article said, long time married sex lends itself to being more adventurous, since you know each other and are not afraid to experiment. You also have a feel for each others bodies and know how to please one another.

~ Married people are happier. Marriage offers people the kind of support and stability that allows them to succeed in all other aspects of life.

~ No more “single serving” rip offs. You finally have someone to share your box of mac and cheese with.

~ Marriage makes you a better person. You will more than likely choose to marry a person that is insightful, opinionated, and honest and can challenge you to be the best version of yourself. Through marriage, you will also learn the true meaning of self-sacrifice and compromise.

~ You don”t have to listen to any more crap from that quack Dr. Phil.

And here is my personal reason: Companionship. My best friend and confidant shares my life, every bit of it, day in and day out. No matter what the world dishes out, he has my back. Our wedding song was “Stand By Me” by Ben E. King. And that is what marriage means to me – standing by one another, come what may, till death do us part.

It”s still the law: Finder”s Keepers. You find ”em, you keep ”em.

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