Fun Ways To Celebrate Your Engagement


One question, one answer. With the words “Will you marry me?” and “Yes!”, we embark on an exciting, romantic, and unique time in our lives. No other time is like the engagement period, so here are some ways to enjoy it to the fullest and celebrate your engagement!

Find a unique way to announce your engagement on social media.

To announce a baby on the way, my husband and I each posted on Facebook the video of Lucy”s unique announcement of their upcoming baby to Desi along with my due date. It was great fun and everyone loved it. Search You Tube for the perfect music video or movie clip that depicts engagement. Or take and post a picture of your fiancee putting the ring on your finger with the caption reading, “She said ”yes”!” Oh, and make sure to change your Facebook status!

Go out for that special date you always wanted to go on.

Creating a memorable wedding can be costly, and there will be many months ahead of scrimping and saving every penny for your special day. But this day deserves its own special treat too. Go to that fine seafood restaurant you”ve been wanting to try or that dinner theater you”ve been wanting to check out. Or pop a cork, but make it good. Vintage Dom Perignon is one of the world”s finest champagnes, and will set you back about $150 a bottle, but it is worth it! Splurge a little, then keep tucked as a memory in your heart, ready to pull out when you”re frustrated because you haven”t done anything in months because you”re saving for the wedding.

Throw an engagement party.

Throw a wine tasting, have a BBQ, go dancing at a local cub, or just have a small gathering of friends to celebrate with you. Just remember that while guests may bring gifts, they are not obligated to and it may be just a bottle of champagne and a set of glasses.

Do an engagement photo shoot.

Engagement photo shoots are becoming quite popular these days and are a lot of fun. They can also aid in finding a potential wedding photographer. Kooky, romantic, passionate, active; these photos can capture everything you love about your lives together. You can incorporate any props into them you wish to show what you two love doing together.

Submit an engagement announcement to local newspaper.

Contact your local paper for guidelines. When it comes out, make copies to send out to friends and family, and remember to keep one for yourselves!

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