The Post Wedding Brunch


Post-wedding brunches have become an ideal way to show out-of-town family and close friends how much you appreciate their efforts to be at your wedding. While a brunch is by no means an etiquette necessity, it is a good way to say goodbye and to extend the fun and celebration with others if you are still in town the following morning.

Since most post-wedding brunches are informal, invitations are not necessary, although they are fun and can make the event seem even more special to those invited.

The brunch should be kept small and simple for your sake as a newly married couple, and while you can make it as long as you like, there is really no need for it to last more than a couple of hours.

A casual menu can be planned and prepared days in advance, and be sure to enlist help to keep things stress free and enjoyable for yourselves. Coffee and tea should be served, and a signature cocktail is always fun. Grilled or fresh veggies, cheese platters, savory stratas, quiches, and fruit salads are all good food choices that can be thrown together in little time or made ahead.

Re-using flowers and centerpieces from the wedding is a simple way to decorate your soiree and use good quality paper plates, plastic ware, and pretty paper cups to keep the clean-up to a minimum.

Don”t forget your camera and enjoy the extension of the festivities!

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