4 Tips For a Great Wedding Night

Okay, ladies, let”s talk about the wedding night! The greatest part of your wedding begins after the ceremony, after the party, after the guests go home. While the wedding night may seem intimidating for those who have never been intimate, those who have lived together before the wedding may fear it will be mundane.

But it doesn”t have to be a big production to be wonderful. With a little planning, those who have waited can have a special, amazing night, and those who are more experienced can have a memorable, romantic time.

Flirt During the Wedding

Between the guests, the dancing, the gifts, and the noise, remember that this day is about the two of you, and celebrating your love. Don”t get so caught up in it all that you forget about each other!

Steal glances from across the room, send a sexy text from the ladies room, touch his hand when you pass, and sit close enough to have your thighs touching during the reception. It will be loud during the after party, so lean into his ear, and get close enough for him to feel your breath when you speak to him. Then lean out just a bit, and touch his nose with yours as you hold his gaze.

Be intentional about flirting with him, stay focused, and build anticipation.

Pack a Bag

Couples often spend so much time planning the wedding that they forget to plan the first night they will spend as man and wife. Even if you are all packed for the entire honeymoon, invest a little time in planning for the wedding night specifically.

Pack a comfortable yet stunning nighty, one that is easy to wear and easy to remove. Lotions and oils are essentials for the wedding night, regardless of how experienced you are – the set everything just right! Remember to pack some form of contraception as well. Romantic, sexy games are also a good idea to bring along.

Music is one of life”s most powerful influences, so bring along an Ipod with a special romantic playlist, or a few of your favorite CDs. Make sure some your special songs are listed in there, too!

Don”t Drink and Drive

A dangerous night is never a fun night, and to risk harm or a DUI is to risk the special wonder and joy of this night, and of the entire honeymoon. It isn”t worth it. Hire a limo, a taxi, or ask a friend, but don”t drink and drive.

Take Some Breather Time

Contrary to some people”s belief, it”s rarely a good idea to just “jump into bed.” It”s been a big day, take some time to unwind and remember why you got married in the first place.

If you didn”t have food at your reception, or if that was hours ago, take the time to eat. Order room service, or plan ahead and bring some food along. Sit with your feet up by a fire with a glass of wine and talk about your favorite part of the wedding. Reminisce about the reception, and don”t forget to keep flirting!

Then turn up the music, reach for him, ask for this dance, and enjoy the having and the holding.

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