3 Secrets for a Super Romantic Honeymoon

Relaxation and romance are the main goals of any honeymoon, but not every couple sees rest or romance the same way. One couple may find adventure and activity as the expression of their love, another may want to lay around on the beach or cuddle by a fire. Some couples find freedom and respect in spending a bit of time alone; others envision spending every moment together.

Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy ,” and it holds true with honeymoons as well as anything else. The first secret to a perfectly restful and romantic honeymoon is to choose the right place and activities for you and your spouse. Don”t compare your honeymoon plans or experiences to anyone else”s.

Planning surprises for your spouse throughout your honeymoon is another super secret to enhancing romance and spark on your special vacation. Bring along little gifts, or plan ahead by calling the hotel you will stay at or the restaurant you will visit. Request that they play “your song”, or ask the waiter to bring your partner a note that you have previously handwritten and given to him.

While on your honeymoon, flirt passionately and without reserve. Steal glances, slip your hand into his back pocket, touch the small of her back, kiss lusciously and often, play footsie, trace a heart on his upper thigh with your finger, lean in close to speak to her and look deeply in her eyes, whisper what you want to do later – and let all that flirting reach its peak when you get back to your room.

And that is how to have a romantic honeymoon!

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