Things That Need Done the Week Before Your Wedding

The week before I leave on any vacation or weekend get-away is full of list making and plan finalizing lest I forget anything. I leave nothing to chance! The week before your wedding will be hectic and exciting, and it may be hard to keep your head about you.

A recent post from BridePop helps us out by giving a checklist of items to be done the week before the wedding.

Make a list.

They say it doesn”t have to be an extensive list, just a solid list. Keep it near so you can jot down anything that comes to mind. “This important step will help you delegate and keep your stress level down.”

Make some important phone calls.

Confirm rentals and vendors, including limo service, caterer, the officiant and venue, hair stylist, nail salon appointment, and makeup artist.

Be sure you have your license.

Your marriage license may need to be confirmed with the church or your minister.

Check in with the bridal party.

Talk to your bridesmaids and make sure they know the schedule and confirm their travel plans. Find out if they will need transportation from from the airport and if they need directions.

Talk to your boss and the HR department.

Remember to confirm your time off, know who is backing you up, and what you need to prepare for them. Let everyone know who to contact while you are gone.

Confirm your travel reservations.

Confirm all of your travel plans and look at your finances early on…Confirm, confirm, confirm.” Passports, hotels, and air transportation will all need to be confirmed.

Take a break.

Take a few minutes for yourself this week and exercise, do yoga, get a massage, sit in a hot tub, or get a pedicure. Enjoy this last week before your wedding.

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