Category Archives: Etiquette

Fun, Creative Ideas For Thank-You Cards

Most couples work hard to personalize their wedding ceremony and make their reception interesting and unique. But why stop there? When you return from your honeymoon and begin the task of writing and sending out thank-you cards, put some fun into it and continue to wow your guests with cards that are as unique and…
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Eloping Etiquette

For many couples, the thought of a large wedding with a year or more of major planning is overwhelming, and makes eloping sound like a fabulous alternative. For others, the financial toll of a large-scale wedding gives eloping its appeal. For still others, going away to get married may be about centering the ceremony around…
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Your Guide To Invitations

Here is a short guide and some answers to the most commonly asked invitation questions: When should I send out invitations? Ideally, invitations should be sent out eight weeks before the wedding. This way, guests have time to clear their calendars for that date and make travel arrangements. It also gives you time to call…
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What Not to Give as a Wedding Gift

A wedding gift is an important purchase, and an often confusing one, too. To keep from wasting your hard earned money, and to ensure your gift is appreciated and not offensive, check out these wedding present no-nos. Intimate Items Lingerie, the Kama Sutra, or any sex-related books, movies, or magazines are inappropriate and embarrassing wedding…
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7 Things NOT to do at a Wedding

We have all seen or heard stories of those who have behaved badly or ruined a part of a– or whole! - wedding by doing or saying something inappropriate. Here are seven things that do just that, so you can avoid being that person. Drink Too Much If the bride and groom have alcohol at…
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